Friday, December 25, 2020

Why is Apple dumping Intel?

 When Apple had revealed that they are dumping the Intel processor and going with their own chip many people had their doubts, including myself that Apple was making a dumb move.  With all the pundits throwing their two cents into it Im more convinced than ever its a pretty dumb move.   While their benchmarks are pretty impressive I think Apple will have the infrastructure and software developers will have the same issues they had when Apple was on the PowerPC.  Now at WWDC Apple gave us the excuses on why they are moving to ARM and their own proprietary chip.  So we heard the excuses lets go over the real reasons.

Think Different

When Apple moved over to the Intel chip they had very little justification as to why they  were charging so much money  for a system that was severely under powered.  Now back in the PowerPC day Apple severely skewed the benchmarks so that they could claim their machines were faster than a standard PC and the only people that believed it were Apples idiot customers but when Apples systems became a standard PC they had a hard time coming up with an excuse.


Lets face it Apple didnt like the hackintosh market.  Apple from day ONE has always been that company that didnt like to share and sure as hell HATED that people could get their software to run on any kind of generic hardware.  Apple is the company that spent REAL money paying off Linux distributors who were even nominally successful mimicking Apple's desktop environment because Apple figured out it was easier to pay them off for $20,000 to get them to stop rather than gambling with the courts and having to pay $100,000 dollars in lawsuits for principle alone.


As I stated above Apple loves to control their own platform and riding with Intel after 5 years when Apples hardware was pretty much dead  because macOS quit supporting it , users were just installing Linux or Windows and they went on their merry way.  Mark my words, Apple will make it as hard as they can for Linux to run on their M1 hardware because they want to KEEP their customer base.  They will pull a Sony and probably be more tyrannical than Sony to make sure Linux does not run on that hardware and make it as difficult as they can so that no user will want to go through the hassle and the headache and rather dish out the dinero just to get the latest and greatest Apple hardware and software.

So anyone who has their hopes up that those delicious benchmarks on Apples M1 system will roll over when they try to rock Linux or BSD on the M1 system WAKE UP!!!! Linux, BSD and Windows is one of the biggest reasons why Apple is moving over to their own custom silicon.  Apple wants to preserve their customer base and they want their users to stick with Apple hardware in concurrence with Apple software for years to come.

Is Desktop Linux a dead idea

 With the end-of-life for Windows 10 approaching in October many folks are bringing up the idea of the Linux desktop again.  With that comes...