Monday, January 3, 2022

Linus Tech Tips and Linux and best distribution for Newbies


So, a few days ago someone sent me some video links to Linus Tech Tips and his Linux series.  I watched them and while a few parts of it were cringeworthy the problem here is that Linus's criticisms were legitimate.  

There is no ONE perfect Operating System in the world.  Whether it's Windows, Solaris, MacOS, any flavor of Linux or Unix there is not a one size fits all offering out there.  Now, I'm used to Linux and I have used Linux for decades at this point, so I am used to it and every single-issue Linus had I have an answer for it, but we have to look at this from his perspective.  All the common problems Linus had I have heard them before.  I work inside the desktop Linux market.  I have had to deal with how-to-do-task-x a lot to the point I sometimes find myself repeating a lot.  Do I think Linus was trolling?  No.  I think some of the other YouTubers and some of the commenters are the ones guilty of trolling.  I tell people this a lot; Linux is not Windows.  It is different.  Everything from startup to package install is different.  There are some use cases where Windows serves a lot better than Linux.  There are some cases where Linux serves a lot better than Windows.  Quick question, how many of you that criticized his series reached out with solutions?  Judging from the comments and video responses not many and THAT is one of the main problems with the Linux community and why companies like ours and others exist.  People don't want to be called stupid because they are trying to learn something new.  They don't want to be called TROLLS just because they have legitimate issues with using Linux.  Hell, some people just will not like Linux and will go back to Windows or macOS.  Ask any Linux distributor.  It's happened to all of us at one point or another where a customer has called us and said "Look, I'm moving back to Windows because of X Y or Z" and that's fine.  Once again there is NOT a one size fits all distribution out there.  One of the issues I had with the series was that they read one of those stupid fucking articles of "Best Distribution <insert year here>" Those types of articles do a great disservice to the Linux community and Linux adoption in general.  Why?  Because EVERY Linux distribution is the best.  These distributors do a lot of hard work making these distributions.  Some are better than others, yes but those articles are goddamn insulting to every single distributor out there and yes that includes Red Hat, SUSE, Oracle etc. etc.  Once again, its personal preference.  Title it "Best Linux distribution(s) I have tried <insert year here>"

As for Linus and Luke.  Hey if they want to stay on Windows that's great.  Windows 11 is a fine OS.  I tried it, I liked it.  For me, my entire workflow is on Linux so while I dabble with Windows 11 for my Windows programming, Star Trek Fleet Command and Star Trek Online games (Two titles I can't use on Linux) but I digress, if Linus and Luke want to stay on Windows then that is perfectly fine.  There is a lot to like.  If they want to go to Linux there are plenty of resources out there for them to use and there is a lot to like about Linux.  I watched the series, I didn't have many complaints about it, and I even took notes to see if some of the gripes they had I can fix in my own distributions no matter how cringeworthy I thought some of the complaints were.

Is Desktop Linux a dead idea

 With the end-of-life for Windows 10 approaching in October many folks are bringing up the idea of the Linux desktop again.  With that comes...